$1.00 Sale @

Thursday, February 27, 2014

postheadericon Wrecking Ball TS Kit

Another new kit - Wrecking Ball

Thursday, February 6, 2014

postheadericon NEW NEW NEW

Yes, you are not seeing things!!! I've cleaned out and tidied up my work in progress folders and uploaded everything that had not been packed and added to the store.
There are a couple of tube sets, 2 scrap kits and a new body pack in the store. Come take a look.

Monday, January 28, 2013

postheadericon Love 2 Love TS Kit

Do you Love 2 Love? Maybe Love a little to much? Then this is the kit for you - it comes with many soft and sweet elements, as well as plenty of harder, attitude filled ones. Includes some cluster frame bases for taggers. 

Containing 52 Tagger sized elements and 14 papers, this kit will suit many styles of tags. For Personal Use only.

Monday, October 22, 2012

postheadericon New CU Tubes in stores

Sunday, October 21, 2012

postheadericon New Tagger Kits from Roo

Monday, October 8, 2012

postheadericon New CU Tubes in Stores

Saturday, October 6, 2012

postheadericon NEw Tube - Garnet

New Licensed image at The PSP Project

Sunday, September 30, 2012

postheadericon NEw Tagger Kit - SKULL CANDY

Thursday, August 30, 2012

postheadericon New Tags

Used my new Pumpkinella Kit and whipped up this little beauty

postheadericon Pumpkinella - Exclusive Halloween Kit

Garv did it again, his wickedly awesome Halloween 2012 tube need a matching kit - so here it is!!! Plenty of elements to play with if you would like to mix with other tubes, or simply create a tag with the kit alone - your choice.. have fun!! Containing 50 Tagger sized elements and 14 papers, this kit will make for all kinds of Halloween fun!!! For Personal Use only.

The PSP Project
My Scrap Kits are now available at The PSP Project

I am now selling my licensed artwork under the name Gothique Starr.

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Poser Tubes - Doll Bodies
Custom Heads, Tag Backgrounds
My Store - Best Value

Proud Designer For:

Robin Robin Sharon
Toxic Licence